Sentiment Analysis of Customer’s Review and Dashboarding on Qlikview

Sentiment Analysis of Customer’s Review and Dashboarding on Qlikview

Sentiment Analysis Of Customer’s Review And Dashboarding On Qlikview



Industry Challenge/ Challenges

For designing business strategies based on customer personas, it becomes necessary to look into and analyze the reviews as it facilitates understanding and further stepping into customer expectations from the enterprise. Sentiment Analysis becomes a handy technique in this process as it analyzes customers’ opinions toward hotels and their qualities and provides the businesses with meaningful insights.


  • Competitors
    Knowing how your firm compares to its competitors, where it thrives, and where it falls short, is crucial for effective business planning and development.
  • Customer Feedback
    A large amount of data on customer feedback needs to be crawled from sites like TripAdvisor and Expedia using machine learning algorithms.
  • Categories
    Determining the categories and subcategories (food, service, personnel, etc.) of each feedback on a huge amount of data is a time-consuming task.

Problem Statement

To analyze the customer feedback on a machine learning model to comprehend the variation in services with the property location, property type, etc. factors for the client to leverage that information for their future business decision-making and expansion strategies.

Our Solution

  • Algoscale exercised a solution based on unsupervised learning, i.e., generic in all cases no rule-based model. The data was processed and, further, stored into a data lake with the help of Spark.
  • A competitor analysis was performed to gather the differences between customers and hotels, effects of competitor events on their business, etc., and further, get the lagging variables.
  • Metrics and techniques like cosine similarity, Word2vec, and lemmatization were implemented to extract and determine the sentiment of the text. Business intelligence tools were used for the purpose of better visualization.




Tech Stack

 Analysis of Customer’s Review and Dashboarding

Business Impact

  • Algoscale provided the client with a perspective into the customers’ insights to support them in expansion strategies. Previously, they would have had to wait for the results to determine whether or not their decisions worked right or not.
  • Our solution aided better business decision-making and enhanced the returns for the client.
  • The competitor analysis provided them with a detailed outlook into the gaps in the business strategies and better understand the market conditions to fine-tune their offerings

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Sentiment Analysis of Customer’s Review and Dashboarding on Qlikview

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